Judicial Life

A trusted place where the judiciary come to share knowledge, wisdom and expertise on the topic of family violence.

Family Violence Bench Manual

In Australia family violence is broadly defined to cover:

This project, from Judicial Life, has the purpose of providing a trusted place where the judiciary come to share knowledge, wisdom and expertise on the topic of family violence.

Responding to women who claim to be victims of family violence

Women are often victims of family violence.

The following section looks at things judicial officers should bear in mind, and some of the questions they can ask, when assessing a situation in which a woman claims to be a victim of family violence.

Establishing whether a woman is a victim

There are a number of questions a judicial officer can consider asking when a woman presents as an affected family member (even in a police application), including:

In addition to responses to the questions above, judicial officers might also wish to consider the following questions and issues:

If the woman is genuinely a victim of violence from a male partner or other family member (e.g. adolescent or adult children), she might be assisted in a number of ways, including by the Women’s Referral Service, the Victims of Crime Helpline, the Victim’s Assistance and Counselling Program their local community health service.


This Bench Manual is just at an early stage.

We are working hard and at the very beginning of wrinting it and decided to provide it with early access. For this reason, it is important for us at JL to hear your opinion. Please use the comment section below.